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Leverage Hu man Interactive Website Agents To Skyrocket Leads and Sales

Guaranteed To Improve User Experience, Boost Engagement and Increase Customer Satisfaction! 

Nicole M Williams

Nicole M. Williams

Founder & CEO of SiteAgent™

Nicole came up with the idea of SiteAgent™ around the end of 2020. She had been working in the "Lead Generation" space part- time for some time and was familiar with all channels of marketing both off and online. She also believed that Covid-19 was changing the face of marketing and that the future of marketing would center more on personalized interaction with consumers in some form or fashion.

Nicole's resources were limited at the time and this would require her to become both a website and software developer. 

Over the next two years, while working at Columbia Housing Authority, she learned to code using free resources on YouTube like "The Odin Project" and "Python for Everyone". She also took a free 9 week course online called CS50, which was a Harvard computer science course. 

By 2023, Nicole had designed her website and launched SiteAgent™ to mediocre interest. However, even without an audience or following to her name, Nicole would soon singlehandedly devise an ingenious PR stunt using prominent job boards that would send SiteAgent™ into the stratosphere.

            Nicole M. Williams

Founder & CEO of SiteAgent™ 

Nicole came up with the idea of SiteAgent™ around the end of 2020. She had been working in the "Lead Generation" space part- time for some time and was familiar with all channels of marketing both off and online. She also believed that Covid-19 was changing the face of marketing and that the future of marketing would center more on personalized interaction with consumers in some form or fashion.

Nicole's resources were limited at the time and this would require her to become both a website and software developer. 

Over the next two years, while working at Columbia Housing Authority, she learned to code using free resources on YouTube like "The Odin Project" and "Python for Everyone". She also took a free 9 week course online called CS50, which was a Harvard computer science course. 

By 2023, Nicole had designed her website and launched SiteAgent™ to mediocre interest. However, even without an audience or following to her name, Nicole would soon singlehandedly devise an ingenious PR stunt using prominent job boards that would send SiteAgent™ into the stratosphere.

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